June 2013

Building the baby belly, week by week

June 26, 2013

Whooo-hooozzzzzzzz. That’s the sound of me rounding into the home stretch of pregnancy — excited but exhausted. Friends, I’m at 36 weeks now and Baby Girl’s still inside! High five! Now I have to lie down. In order to avoid another premature birth plus theatrics during labor and delivery (as comical as that was for […]

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On Father’s Day, to the big guy I call Dada

June 16, 2013

From Angela: Here is what I think Max would say to Mike on this Father’s Day 2013. Just a mother’s interpretation, mind you, and probably one of the last times I can get away with speaking for my already very verbal kid. So I must grab it! 🙂   Hi Dada! For Father’s Day, I […]

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The Insta-Home Challenge: Tulsa, OK

June 9, 2013

Life seems to be moving at light speed now.  I guess that’s what happens when you have kids — every day becomes so chock full of responsibilities, activities and moments to savor, that you have no time to be bored, and scarce time for introspection.  I can honestly say I don’t remember the last time […]

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32 weeks pregnant: if it ain’t broke, break it

June 7, 2013

Really, Universe? A broken foot? Really? The Sunday evening began innocuously enough. The final Lion King curtain in Nashville came down, and I found myself in a melancholy state, dreading having to part ways with Mike the next day as Max and I would fly to Pennsylvania to spend the rest of my pregnancy with […]

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